Welcome to Tumaini Children's Foundation

to learn more about how to help or volunteer visit us at www.tuchifo.com

Sunday, February 13, 2011

In the neighbourhood...

Kal photographing gates.

We see these birds fly overhead every evening around 6.

Watching the downpour.

Homemade checkerboard and bottle cap checkers.

There are no paved roads in the neighbourhood.

Getting ready to build a foundation.

Overhead branches.

Neema looking out a window at Tumaini House.

These would be the perfect Christmas trees - they already have the star on top.

Friday, February 11, 2011

the youngest Tumaini Children

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Playday at Tumaini

Mama Dee (and volunteers) organized Play Day at Tumaini
We went to a local school ground and had sack races, three legged races...
and spoon and lollipop races.

Aisha takes the lead.

Adults and kids all had a great time. (pre-school teacher Winner in center)


Mama Neema, Saumu, Mama Grace

Neema and Conni

Christina encouraged by Mama Dee

Joseph with Harriri close behind.

Aisha, Emmanuel and Angela.

Quiet, shy Evelin having fun.

Saumu vs. little Neema

Tuesday, February 1, 2011